About Us

About Us + MNs4DSI Logo: Minnesota state outline containing a heart symbolizing compassion, a brain with a lightbulb symbolizing wisdom, and a turtle symbolizing persistence.Minnesotans for Direct Support Improvements (MNs4DSI) shares personal stories, information, and community discussions that unify our communities to improve our direct support system. We're unified in our efforts to improve our health, safety, and dignity plus our ability to participate in our chosen communities — to live, learn, work, and enjoy life.

Currently, our focus is reducing the widespread, immediate harm throughout Minnesota caused by our direct support worker shortage. However, we'll consider addressing any challenge that threatens our health, safety, and dignity plus our ability to participate in our chosen communities — to live, learn, work, and enjoy life.

We believe everyone should be able to experience health, safety, and dignity. We believe everyone should be able to participate in their chosen communities — to live, learn, work, and enjoy life. We also believe that — as members of our democratic society — each of us has an obligation to address the needs of our society, govern for the common good, and sustain a just democracy. Our beliefs are based on our shared core values of compassion, wisdom, and persistence.

We're a community group organized by — and for — people with disabilities, older adults, support workers, our families, our friends, our provider organizations, and our allies. Direct support includes, but isn't limited to, homemaking services, personal care assistance, home health care, group homes, assisted living communities, day programs, employment supports, and skilled nursing facilities.

We look forward to meeting you, learning about your experiences, hearing your ideas, and working with you for a better Minnesota!

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