Monday, March 6, 2023

Your Most Valuable Resources Poster


This poster titled "Your Most Valuable Resources" can be saved, printed, and displayed as a frequent reminder of the sources of your resources and power.

Downloadable PDF and Downloadable JPEG

Image Text Description

The left of the poster has a box with the text "practice compassion plus wisdom plus persistence" with another box underneath with the text "invest in health, safety, dignity, and inclusion for yourself and others".

The middle of the poster has a list of your resources and brief suggestions to make the most of each resource, as follows.

Time, choose to use it wisely, avoid distractions and escapes, it cannot be influenced, it is nonrenewable.

Energy, improve and maintain your health and safety.

Integrity, only you can build or destroy it, so choose and act wisely.

Connections with others, build and improve diverse relationships with others with similar interests and different experiences, talents, tools, and finances.

Experiences, explore new experiences, learn new information.

Talents, gather information and improve skills.

Tools, build and improve tools that make your choices and actions more efficient.

Finances, expand your capacity; invest your finances and many other resources in building energy, connections, experiences, talent, and tools for yourself and others.

The right side of the poster has a box containing the text "do your best to practice compassion, wisdom, and persistence for others and yourself in each moment given your unique challenges and limited available resources".

In the lower-right corner is the logo for Minnesotans for Direct Support Improvements, which is a shape of the state of Minnesota in dark blue, containing a light red heart, the outline of a person's head with a brain and yellow light bulb, and a light green turtle to symbolize compassion, wisdom, and persistence. The acronym MNs4DSI appears on the right side of the logo.

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